Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.  Nelson Mandela

Adult, Children and Youth Ministries at St. Paul United Church of Christ

Christian Education for Children and Youth from Age 3 - 12th Grade

St. Paul UCC Sunday School Class - Faith and Fun!!

St. Paul UCC Confirmation Class of 2024 - CONGRATULATIONS!!

St. Paul UCC Youth Offerings

  • Nursery care is available for parents with children up to 3 years of age to watch the service together in our nursery, offering toys, books and games to engage the toddlers. The service is live-streamed so that parents can watch and listen to the service with their small children.

  • Sunday School meets every Sunday during worship for ages three through 5th grade. Children begin in the worship service and participate in a special Children’s Time message. After Children’s Time, they are dismissed with their teachers to the education hour for an enhanced learning experience using multiple intelligence learning curriculum. On the first Sunday of every month, the children will start out in the service and go to Memorial Hall for the message for Children's Time and other activities. They will come back into the service to celebrate communion with their families and remain for the rest of the service.

  • Confirmation Classes are  available for 8th graders to prepare for membership at St. Paul and the wider body of Christ. Through weekly discussion, service projects and church participation, students of our church are supported and welcomed to join into ongoing outreach, participation and growth in their faith.

  • Youth Group meets in the Christian Education Wing at the start of worship service and is for youth ages 6th-12th grade. Youth share discussions about faith and learn how to put faith in action. They participate in several mission activities throughout the year, such as The 30 Hour Famine Project, World Vision mission support and the Out of the Darkness Chicago Suicide Prevention Walk.

Christian Education and Learning Opportunities For Adults

  • Adult Christian Education is focused on growing in faith, deepening our relationship with God, with one another, in biblical knowledge, and in our hearts. St. Paul United Church of Christ offers a variety of opportunities to come together and share our struggles and successes along life's journey as we build community and support.  

  • Adult Book Groups are seasonal groups typically meeting between September and May during our church year. Groups are held at St. Paul twice a month on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. A non-fiction book relevant to a variety of topics is chosen for each discussion.  These classes are focused on advanced theological discussion. Our kick-off book for the Winter 2025 book Group begins on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 PM. We will be discussing the first chapters of  Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Letters and Papers from Prison.  For more information call the church office at (847) 381.0460 with questions and for registration!

  • Summer Video Discussions are group nights hosted during the summer months when individuals view a video on their own and then spend time discussing the ideas and topic themes the video generates around the table. From June - August.

  • Adult Disciple Bible Study is a 32 week class of in-depth study of The Bible, and classroom learning that requires the participants to make a commitment to their own spiritual growth, as well as to the growth of others. The class is not a commitment a person makes lightly, but it is one that offers new life to all those who make that commitment seriously! For more information about the next class call the church office at (847) 381.0460.

Kim Roessler (847) 381-0460

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